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Useful Information

Home-School Communication

• A calendar of events is sent home at the end of each week.
• Classroom and school newsletters are sent home frequently. Please check your child’s Friday Folder each week.
• Visit our website for frequent updates.
• Please contact the office to make an appointment to speak with the principal, classroom teachers, or support staff at (269) 337- 0640.

KPS Components of a College-Going Culture

1. High expectations for students and staff
2. Higher education exposure
3. Meaningful and engaging homework
4. Everyone Reads/Literacy: Language development, reading, and writing
5. Substantial opportunities for meaningful parental involvement
6. Education that is relevant to, reflective of, and inclusive of students
7. Development of strong problem-solving skills
8. Development of success skills: metacognitive, note taking, study, time management, organizational, and test-taking skills